55 Places From Akhand Bharat Map In India’s New Parliament

  • India’s new parliament building has Akhand Bharat map installed denoting 55 places belonging to present day India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh
  • Ancient Indian polymath Chanakya portrait also adorns new parliament building signifying his great strategy and economic knowledge that India may use in coming years
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On 28 May 2023 Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India’s new parliament building ending colonial era. This marks the beginning of a self reliant India taking its rightful place in the world. There are lot of interesting things about India’s new parliament building but what’s more interesting is the Akhand Bharat Map installed in it.

What Is Akhand Bharat?

It’s a term that describes ancient India ruled by great kings and dynasties like Ashoka the great, Chandragupta, Cholas etc. At that time ancient India (particularly known as Bharatvarsha) was a vast region with cultural and civilizational unity encompassing present day India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and other neighbouring countries.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Akhand Bharat Map installed inside India’s new parliament building

The above Akhand Bharat map installed in India’s new parliament has a mention of around 55 places. Most of them are from Mauryan Empire under which present day Afghanistan and Pakistan were part of India’s landscape. Except those in deep south which were ruled by Cholas and Pandyas the Mauryan Empire controlled major parts of the Indian Subcontinent. So here we’ll take a look at all places mentioned in Akhand Bharat map installed in new parliament.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Kanishka Stupa in Peshawar, Pakistan

Purushpur (पुरुषपुर)

The first place here is Purushpur (पुरुषपुर) which means “City of Men”. The name is derived from Sanskrit language. It is present day Peshawar located in Pakistan. Till 11th or 13th century Kanishka (often known as the 2nd Ashok) from Kushan dynasty ruled here. Then in 18th century Pashtuns (Iranian Ethnic Group residing in Pakistan and Afghanistan) changed the name to Pashawar (very similar to present day Peshawar).

Akhand bharat in new parliament
Route of Grand Trunk Road

Uttarapatha (उत्ततरापथ)

The Northern part of present day North-India is known as Uttarapatha, according to ancient Buddhist texts. It is also known as the Grand Trunk Road initiated by the Afghan king Sher Shah Suri. As it was largely used for trade so it is also known as The Silk Route of India. The trade route started from Kabul, Afghanistan to Chittagong in Bangladesh covering major cities like Patna, Varanasi, Mathura, Delhi, Amritsar, Kolkata, Rawalpindi etc.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Ashoka Inscription in Mansehra, Pakistan

Mansehra (मनसेहरा)

A city located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan is Mansehra. This city traces back its origin to the Mauryan Empire. You can see one of the Ashokan Inscription in Mansehra, Pakistan. The town of Mansehra derives its name from Mahan Singh Mirpuri who founded this town around 1820.

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A Buddhist Stupa from Mauryan Empire in Taxila, Punjab, Pakistan

Taxila (तक्षशिला)

First ruled by the Indo-Aryan Gandhara kingdom the Taxila became a centre of higher education under the Mauryan Empire. The great Indian polymath Chanakya taught at Taxila University. It was Chanakya who gave Chandragupta Maurya a great strategy that made him a great ruler. Under Chandragupta’s grandson Ashoka the great Taxila became a centre of Buddhist learning.

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The Great Bath Of Mohenjodaro Found In Sindh, Pakistan

Sindhu (सिन्धु)

Sindh is a province in Pakistan. It derives its name from Sanskrit term Sindhu. It is home to Indus Valley Civilization which is considered as a cradle of civilizations. Indus Valley Civilization flourished around 3000 B.C but following Indo-Aryan invasion it declined rapidly and collapsed 1000 years later. Many sites like Mohenjodaro, Lothal, Rangpur, Surkotda etc can be found in Pakistan as well as India.

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A Painting of Kurukshetra War Between Pandavas and Kauravas

Kurukshetra (कुरुक्षेत्र)

There’s a mention of Kurukshetra in the epic Mahabharata. Kurukshetra derives its name from Kuru Kingdom founded by King Puru (the ancestor of Kauravas and Pandavas). In late 4th century BCE it was conquered by the Mauryan Empire. History also suggests the presence of Kushans, Gupta and Pushyabhuti dynasty. Under king Harshavardhan of Pushyabhuti dynasty Kurukshetra reached the zenith of its progress.

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Pillar Edict of Ashoka the great in Kalsi, Uttarakhand

Kalsi (कालसी)

Most of the places here belongs to the Mauryan Empire and so is Kalsi. It is a small village in present day Uttarakhand. It is home to one of the pillar edicts of Ashoka the great. In Dehradun this small village is situated on the banks of Yamuna river.

Sauvira (सौवीर)

Sauvira Kingdom has its mention in Late Vedic period as a kingdom existed in lower Indus Valley. In Kurukshetra war Sauvira Kingdom sided with Kauravas led by their ruler Jayadratha. This kingdom has also its mention in Bhagavata Puran.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
A map of Saurashtra in present day Gujarat

Saurashtra (सौराष्ट्र)

Right from Mahabharata times a particular region of Gujarat is called Saurashtra. At present it consist 11 districts of Gujarat including Rajkot (earlier the capital of Saurashtra). Saurashtra literally means a “good country”. Some people also call it Kathiawar. Many pilgrimage centres in the area were reconstructed several times in the past after repeated destruction by several invaders and rulers (ex – the Somnath Temple was raised 17 times).

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Girnar Jain Temples in Junagadh

Girinagar (गिरीनगर)

Girinagar is very ancient city which is mentioned in Puranas. It is also known as Junagadh in present day. It is one of the most beautiful Akhand Bharat places in the list. Junagadh state’s last Babi Nawab fled Pakistan in 1947. Junagadh is home to Mount Girnar where sacred Girnar Jain Temples are located.

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A model wearing Paithani Saree

Pratishthana (प्रतिष्ठान)

Located in present day Aurangabad, Pratisthana was the capital of first Satvahana king Simuka. This place is also mentioned in Puranas. Now it is known as Pithan. When the great Maratha King Chhatrapati Shivaji was marching to Jalna he stayed at Paithan and appointed a leading priest of Paithan as his royal priest. This is because Paithan was regarded as a place to attain Moksha (liberation of soul). In ancient times Paithan was immensely popular bangles and Paithani Saree. Paithani Sarees are still very popular.

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An image of Lord Parshuram who founded Shurparaka

Shurparaka (शुपांरक)

This place of Akhand Bharat in new parliament has its direct connection to the epic Mahabharata and Lord Parshuram. This kingdom was founded by the Lord Parshuram and he gave it to the Brahmin rulers of Kashyapa clan. It is very close to the mouth of river Narmada. It is now present day Nala Sopara.

151 year old photo of mahakaleshwar jyotirlinga temple at ujjain in Madhya Pradesh by George in 1869 AD

Ujjaini (उज्जयिनी)

Ujjaini is the ancient name of present day Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh. This city is home to Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga whose 151 year old image can be seen above. It is one of the places for Kumbh mela held in every 12 years. This holy city was one of the most prominent places during both Gupta and Mauryan Empire.

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Sanchi Stupa in Sanchi, MP

Sanchi (सांची)

Sanchi town is home to Sanchi Stupa, a Buddhist complex built by the great Mauryan king Ashoka. On the back of ₹200 note this monument is printed. Sanchi Stupa is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Madhya Pradesh.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Heliodorus pillar in Vidisha, India.

Vidisha (विदिशा)

Just like Sanchi, Avanti too is closely related to the Mauryan Empire specially Ashoka the great. Ashoka’s wife name was Devi and she was a daughter of Vidisha based merchant. Vidisha name is derived from Bais river that touches this city. Apart from Buddhism Vidisha is also home to Jainism. Pataria Jain Temples are located here. Vidisha is considered as the birthplace of Shitalanatha, the tenth tirthankar.

Avanti (अवंती)

One of the 16 Mahajanapada existed in ancient India was Avanti. This Mahajanapada had its capital at present day Ujjain. It was also the part of Magadha Empire under Shishunaga and Nanda Dynasties. It is also related to the Mauryan Empire.

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Bairat Temple in Jaipur, Rajasthan

Viratnagar (विराटनगर)

Previously known as Bairat, Viratnagar is located in Rajasthan. It was the capital of Matasya Kingdom. When Chinese traveller Huen Tsang visited India he stayed at Viratnagar for some time. The previous name Bairat is derived from Bairat temple located here.

Akhand Bharat map in new parliament
Ruins of a Buddhist Monastery in Kaushambi, UP

Kaushambi (कौशाम्बी)

Related to both Mahabharata and Ramayana Kaushambi was the capital of Vatsa Mahajanpada. Traces of Buddhism can also be found here. This is because Gautama Buddha visited this place several times for spreading dharma.

Akhand Bharat map in new parliament
Old pic of Dwarkadhish Temple in Mathura, UP

Mathura (मथुरा)

Related to Lord Krishna Mathura is considered as one of the places related to Lord Krishna. There’s a place in Mathura called Katra which is considered as the birthplace of Lord Krishna. In the above image there’s an old pic of Dwarkadhish Temple which is dedicated to Lord Krishna.

Kailash Parvat Rachna in Hastinapur, UP

Hastinapur (हस्तिनापुर)

Located in present day UP, Hastinapur was the capital of India during Mahabharata times. Here Kauravas made a plan to kill 5 Pandavas. With reference to Mahabharata you can also find Draupdai Ghat and Karna Ghat here. This place is also related to Ramayana as home to Ravana parents. That’s why during Dussehra people also worship Ravana with Lord Ram.

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Lord Rama departing for 14 years of exile from Ayodhya

Kosala (कोशल)

In Hindu mythology Kosala has its own place as Ayodhya was its capital. Lord Rama was born in Ayodhya. Two sons of Lord Rama (Lava and Kusha) inherited different parts of this kingdom. Lord Rama mother Kausalya was also from this kingdom.

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Daen Mahamongkol Temple, Shravasti

Shravasti (श्रावस्ती)

The first capital of Kosala Kingdom was Shravasti. It was ruled by Lord Rama son Lava. Apart from Hinduism Shravasti is also one of the most sacred sites in Buddhism. Here Gautama Buddha lived the most after attaining enlightenment.

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An ancient Buddhist site in Kapilvastu, Nepal

Kapilvastu (कपिलवस्तु)

Gautama Buddha was born to Shakyas clan and Kapilvastu was their capital. After spending 29 years here Gautama Buddha left Kapilvastu. It is one of the most popular Buddhist sites just like Lumbini that is discussed below.

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The birthplace of Lord Buddha – Lumbini

Lumbini (लुंबिनी)

Lumbini is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997. The above image is of Maya Devi temple. Lumbini receives more than 1 million tourists from across the world yearly. Visitors here experience many aspects of Gautama Buddha life.

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Triveni Sangama at Prayagraj, UP

Prayag (प्रयाग)

Historical name of the areas near the confluence of Ganga and Yamuna is Prayag. Today that city is known as Prayagraj which lies close to Triveni Sangama (Confluence of Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati). In Vedas too Prayag is mentioned as a sacred city.

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The Original Lion Capital at Sarnath, UP

Sarnath (सारनाथ)

Located just 10km away from Varanasi, Sarnath is the place where India got its national emblem (i.e – The Lion Capital). Sarnath is also the place where Buddha delivered his first sermon (Dharmacakrapravartana).

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Bodh Gaya before 1899

Bodh Gaya (बोध गया)

In Buddhism Bodh Gaya needs no introduction. It is the holiest site of Buddhism. The first temple here was built by Ashoka the great. It is said that Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment under a tree which is now known as the Bodhi Tree. It is one of the most sacred places mentioned in Akhand Bharat map in new parliament.

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Vishwa Shanti Stupa at Rajgir, Bihar

Rajgriha (राजगृह)

The first capital of the ancient kingdom of Magadha was Rajgriha (now known as Rajgir in Bihar). Later it evolved to the Mauryan Empire. This town is closely associated with Jainism and Buddhism. The Nalanda University was located in the vicinity of Rajgriha.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
The 24th Tirthankara (Mahavira)

Magadha (मगध)

One of the 16 Mahajanapadas in ancient India was Magadha. It was based in Southern Bihar. Magadha empire reached its peak under Mauryan Empire and covered large areas of Indian Subcontinent touching Afghanistan. It was ruled by more the 9 different empires. The 24th Tirthankara of Jainism, Mahavira, was born in Magadha to a royal family.

Vanga coin dating back to 300-400 BCE

Vang (वंग)

The Vang kingdom has its mention in both Ramayana and Mahabharata. In Ramayan it is depicted as an ally of Ayodhya while in Mahabharata it has numerous mentions. Vang Kingdom covered ancient Bengal and also some parts of Bangladesh. It was known for its strong navy.

Ancient site of Tamralipta, WB

Tamralipta (ताम्रलिप्त)

It was a port city of Suhma Kingdom located in the Bay of Bengal. It is now in present day Purba Medinipur. The name Tamralipta was derived from Tamra which means copper. Suhmas used to mine it in Singhbum area in present day Jharkhand and trade it through their ports. Tamralipta traded with China, Ceylon, Jawa and handful of other western countries. It is one of the major trading kingdoms mentioned in Akhand Bharat map in new parliament.

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A portrait of Bhadrabahu (in centre)

Pundra (पुण्ड्र)

Pundra Kingdom was based in present day Dhaka division of Bangladesh. It is mentioned in Mahabharata epic as a kingdom founded by son of King Bali called King Pundra. In ancient period this kingdom was home to Bhadrabahu (the spiritual teacher of Chandragupta Maurya).

Champanagari (चंपानगरी)

It was an ancient city situated on the banks of confluence of Champa and Ganga river. It was the capital of Anga Mahajanapada (one of the 16 Mahajanapadas existed in ancient India). Champanagari was in the eastern part of the Indian state of Bihar.

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An old pic of remains of Patliputra of Mauryan Empire

Patliputra (पाटलीपुत्र)

Originally built by Ajatshatru, Patliputra was an ancient city situated very close to Patna. In past even Patna was known as Patliputra. Udayin shifted his capital from Rajgriha to Patliputra due to the central location in the Mauryan Empire. During Mauryan period Patliputra was one of the largest cities in the world. This city served as the capital of Shishunaga Empire, Nanda Empire, Maurya Empire, Gupta Empire and Pala Empire.

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Ruins of Nalanda University (the world’s oldest university)

Nalanda (नालंदा)

Located in Magadh region of Southern Bihar Nalanda is home to the ancient Nalanda University. It was destroyed by Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khalji. Nalanda played a vital role in promoting arts and academics in 5th and 6th century CE which is considered as the Golden Age of India by scholars.

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Ashokan Pillar in Vaishali with single Asiatic Lion

Vaishali (वैशाली)

Located in present day Bihar Vaishali was the capital city of Vrijji mahajanapada. Gautama Buddha preached his last sermon before his death in Vaishali. Second buddhist council was held in Vaishali under king Kalasoka. One can find Ashokan Pillar with single Asiatic Lion here.

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Lauriya (लौरिया)

A small town situated in Bettiah, Bihar is Lauriya. It derives its name from pillar (Laur) of Mauryan emperor Ashoka. The pillar has a height of 32 feet. Like most of the cities in Bihar Lauriya is also related to the Mauryan Empire.

Akhand bharat in new parliament
Map Of Kamarupa

Kamarupa (कामरूप)

Kamarupa was the first kingdom historical kingdom of Assam. On its peak Kamarupa covered the entire part of Brahmaputra valley, North Bengal, Bhutan, Nepal and Northern Bangladesh. Kamarupa was ruled by Ahoms, Kamata, Kachari, Chutia and Bharo Bhuyans kingdoms. Deriving name from its original name there’s a Kamarup district in present day Assam.

Tosali (तोसली)

An ancient city located in present day Odisha was Tosali. It was the capital of Kalinga Kingdom. Some scholars also call this city Shishupalgarh. In 1948 the first excavation in Shishupalgarh was conducted by ASI followed by another one in 1950. In ancient Odisha Tosali was trade and urbanization center. Modern name of Tosali is Dhauli.

Samapa (समापा)

When Ashoka the great took control of Kalinga his first capital was at Tosali while its second headquarters were at Samapa. It is located in present day Odisha. Jaugada is the modern name of Samapa.

Akhand bharat in new parliament
A portrait of Kalinga War (261 BCE)

Kalinga (कलिंग)

One of the bloodiest battle fought by Ashoka the great was Kalinga. It is located in present day Odisha. The battle cost nealy 2,50,000 lives and it was the last major battle fought by Ashoka. After the war he converted to Buddhism and devoted his life to Ahimsa.

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Dakshinapatha route (Red Line)

Dakshinapatha (दक्षिणापथ)

A southern highway from Magadha to Pratishthana was known as Dakshinapatha. Dakshinapatha and Uttarapatha were two major trade routes of ancient India mentioned in Akhand Bharat map in new parliament. Like Uttarapatha, Dakshinapatha to connected many cities that includes Ujjain, Vidisha, Prayag, Ayodhya etc.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Dantalura location on new map of India

Dantpur (दंतपुर)

One of the capitals of Kalinga was Dantapura (Dantpur). It is located in present day Andhra Pradesh. The word Danta in Telugu language means tooth. Dantapura was one of the major port cities during Kalinga Kingdom.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Ashoka Edicts at Maski

Maski (मस्की)

Another ancient city related to Ashoka the great was Maski. It is located in Raichur district of Karnataka. This town is also related to the Chola Empire. Ashoka the great got the title of Devanampriya was known for one of the minor rock edicts in Maski.

Few Details about Satyaputra and Ashoka

Satyaputra (सतियपुत्र)

Satyaputra was a small kingdom of Velirs tribe in Tamil Nadu. They were surrounded by the Cheras to the west and the Pandyas and Cholas to the east. In one of the Ashoka edicts their is a mention of Satyaputra. History tells us that they were essentially a Adigaman dynasty.

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Famous Bow & Arrow symbol of the Cheras

Keralaputra (केरलपुत्र)

The Cheras were referred to as Keralaputra. They are considered as creators of Kerala. The Cheras got good geographic presence for maritime trade thought various Indian Ocean networks. Their identity was famous bow and arrow flag showed in the above image.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
A map of Pandya Kingdom

Pandyas (पाण्डय)

Panyas were an ancient dynasty of Tamil Nadu and one of the three great dynasties of South India. The other two were the Cholas and the Cheras. The Pandyas ruled over South India and also the present day Sri Lanka.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Map of Chola, their influence and trade routes

Chola (चोल)

Cholas were one of the longest ruling dynasties in the world history. The center of Cholas were immensely fertile land on the banks on Kaveri river. They were known for exceptional maritime trade capacity. Their influence was till present day Australia. Vijayalaya Chola founded this great empire but it was Rajaraja I under whom the empire reached on its peak.

Kanchipuram (कांचीपुरम)

Known as the city of thousand temples Kanchipuram believed to be the early capital of Cholas. Under Pallavas this city flourished to become a centre of Hinduism and Buddhism. The nickname of Kanchipuram is “the city of thousand temples“.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Ashoka edicts at Siddapura

Siddapura (सिद्धपुर)

Located in present day Uttar Kannada district of Karnataka is home to edicts of Ashoka Siddapura. There are also hindi inscriptions. All of them are protected by enclosures. From the location of Siddapura one can take a beautiful view of Brahmagiri hills.

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Kanakachalapathi Temple, Kanakagiri

Suvarnagiri (सुवर्णगिरी)

The provincial capital of the Mauryan Empire was Suvarnagiri. It later became the capital of Nayaka dynasty of Vijayanagara Empire. Kanakachalapathi Temple here is built by Nayakas. This temple represents unique South India architecture. At present this place mentioned in Akhand Bharat in new parliament is called Kanakagiri.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Koppal fort in Koppal, Karnataka

Koppal (कोपबल)

Located in Karnatka, Koppal is home to some parts of Hampi (a UNESCO World Heritage Site). Mythical kingdom of Ramayana (Kishkinda) is also here. Koppal is ruled by many dynasties like Mauryas, Nizams, Chalukyas etc. It is also known as the “Rice bowl of Karnataka”. You can find unique Kinhal Toys that has its own Geographical Indication (GI) tag.

Akhand Bharat in new parliament
Statue of Gautama Buddha in Amravati, Andhra Pradesh

Amravati (अमरावती)

Amravati’s history dates back to 2nd century BCE when it served as the capital of Satvahanas. They were one of the earliest Indian Empires in Andhra Pradesh. The practice of Buddhism was predominant during that time and continues till date. One of the largest statues of Buddha is situated in Amravati, Andhra Pradesh. This was the last place mentioned in Akhand Bharat map installed in new parliament.

So these were the 55 places mentioned in the Akhand Bharat Map of new parliament. If you like this info then please do share.

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